Audiometer Calibration

0161 560 1087

By NS Medical Systems

Audiometer Calibration


Bruel & Kjaer Sound Level Meter Amplivox Model PC850 Audiometer Amplivox Audiocups
GM Instruements Osicus  PC Based Audiometer

Calibration Of Audiometers

Audiometers are calibrated to ensure accurate sound measurement levels for hearing testing and evaluation to determine if hearing loss exists. Calibration can be performed manually or automated, depending on the audiometer and the preferred method for calibration. Regular calibration is essential to maintain the accuracy of an audiometer and ensure it meets regulatory standards for hearing testing. Calibration is usually performed by a trained professional or service technician, using specialized equipment and software tools to provide precise sound level measurements that ensure test results are reliable and consistent.

We offer competitive prices and have a fast turn around.

We offer on-site services and express services where the item can be posted to us and it will be returned within 48 hours.

We offer services for all types of medical equipment, you may view our main site by clicking here.

Please scroll down to get in touch. We can be emailed at or called on 0161 560 1087.

We offer calibration / servicing / repairs for all types of equipments.  ECGs, Spirometers, Scales, Oximeters, Therometers, BP Units and more!



NS Medical Systems is equipped with the latest, most professional and accurate equipment for audiometer calibration manafactured by Bruel & Kjaer (BKSV of Denmark). This equipment is validated every year by approved laboratries to enure constant reliabilty and accuracy.

We are aware that other companies who claim to offer audiometer calibration, do not have the correct equipment, the instead use an Acoustic Ear such as the Amplivox ER-75 to test the function of the audiometer and claim it has been calibrated or tested. The ER-75 was created for use by audiometer owners to test the function of the audiometer everyday before the use it. It is NOT a calibration device and does NOT calibrate the unit, it just indicates that the device is in working order.

Why calibrate an audiometer?

Audiometers work by outputting sound at certain frequencies, over time this can become inaccurate therefore sound levels require checking against professional equipment. It is essential that audiometers are calibrated every year to ensure accuracy and precision.

Failing to do so can mean that you are failing to follow national and international standards set for audiology.

Why Us?

NS Medical Systems has invested large amounts of money into the specialist equipment required to test these devices. We have over a decade of experience working with audiometers and provide a fast, reliable and professional service.

We also offer the best prices and will beat any written quotation. We have an amazing customer service team who are happy to assist if you were to have any problems.

What are audiometers used for?

An audiometry exam tests your ability to hear sounds. Sounds vary, based on their loudness (intensity) and the speed of sound wave vibrations (tone). Hearing occurs when sound waves stimulate the nerves of the inner ear. The sound then travels along nerve pathways to the brain.

Audiometers are commonly used in industrial environments under occupational health departments. Audiometers are commonly found in airports, factories, private clinics, hearing aid companies and more.

What is our turnaround?

NS Medical Systems offers both on-site on express services for all types of equipment, not just audiometers.

If an audiometer has been sent in for service, we usually turnaround within 48 hours!

We offer on-site services where a qualified engineer will attend your premises to carry out a specified service. 

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ns medical systems

NS Medical Systems has been in operation for over 2 decades! Our engineers are fully qualified and offer lots of service including calibration, servicing, repairs and supply of new equipment. We work with all types of equipment.

Chambers Business Centre, Chapel Road, Oldham, OL8 4QQ

0161 560 1087

Mon - Sun 8am - 7pm (Closed on public holidays)